in the morning
in the morning
Available at Morning Star Gallery, 513 Canyon Road, Santa Fe, NM 505.982.8187
Colored Pencils on Antique Hymnal piece
image size 7.5” x 4.5” in a 8” x 10” handcrafted maple frame with turquoise inlay
Hymnal name Praise of His Glory Songs published bu God’s Bible School, Cincinnati, OH 1922. James Rowe (aka James S. Apple) {1865-1933} was born in England in 1865. He served four years in the Government Survey Office, Dublin, Ireland as a young man. He came to America in 1890 where he worked for 10 years for the New York Central & Hudsn R.R. Co., and served for 12 years as superintendent of the Mohawk and Hudson River Humane Society. He began writing songs and hymns about 1896 and was a prolific writer of gospel verson with more than 9,000 published hymns, poems, recitations and other works.
Chas. Edw. Poiloch - No information found